Programmatic Advertising is the Future of Digital Marketing?

Over the past few years, digital marketing has changed dramatically. Improvements in technologies, sophisticated platforms and automated process have played an important part in this unparalleled development. The future revelation in this regard is undoubtedly programmatic advertising. You may have heard the phrase many times, but do you know exactly what it involves?

What is programmatic Advertising?

It is the procedure to automate the decision-making process of purchasing by targeting specific buyers. In this process, programmatic ads are posted using exceptional artificial intelligence and real-time bidding strategies for online and social media promotion. It is also used for mobile and video campaigns. It is, in fact, also growing to traditional TV advertising marketplace. 

The Global and Indian Ad space

According to the recent 2017 survey, programmatic ads spending have increased USD 27 billion. In India also, it has been expanding and expected to reach INR 18,000 crore in the next two years by which mobile advertising will certainly occupy about 60 percent market share. A good amount of money is invested by the industries on mobile promotions posted on social media platform like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.  Though, today the most digital media purchases are direct, it will be about one-fourth of all digital media advertisement transactions by the end of the year in India. 

Some Key Benefits of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising allows marketers to recognize their high-value customer segments, personalize the message and understand what works and what doesn’t in an easy and quicker manner.

It will play a big role in the way the advertising world that is shifting towards real time bidding. In all likelihood, you will observe a major shift towards a customer centric view. In other words, the emphasis will be on knowing the buyers and not on knowing the channels.

Some other benefits are:

-It will improve Campaign Return on Investment (ROI)

-It will make ads more target-oriented

If the marketers want to stay above their competitors in their near future, then it will become important for them to understand the significance of Programmatic advertising and their outcomes.
